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Manufacturers use M-Class printers for applications throughout their product lines with typical applications requiring as much as 4000 labels per shift. M-class is used for many applications including Asset tracking, work-in-progress labels, agency labels, and instruction labels to name a few.
- Марка: Datamax - O'neil by Honeywell
The healthcare industry is under public scrutiny for preventing avoidable errors that can have dire consequences. Hospitals recognize the usefulness of barcodes in reducing these errors and use barcode printers throughout their facilities to print a variety of labels and wristbands. The M-Class printer is used to generate the high quality barcode labels that play such a critical role in the reduction of medical errors. M-class is Meditech and Cerner Certified for use in hospitals. Most widely used applications in hospitals include specimen tracking and records labeling.
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Pharmacies use M-Class printers to print prescription labels. The labels containing critical information for the patient are adhered to the outside of the pill bottle or box of medication. Printing this information rather than hand writing avoids errors and misinterpretation which can lead to serious consequences. Most widely used applications include compliance labels, track & trace, and pick lists.
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The healthcare industry is under public scrutiny for preventing avoidable errors that can have dire consequences. Hospitals recognize the usefulness of barcodes in reducing these errors and use barcode printers throughout their facilities to print a variety of labels and wristbands. The M-Class printer is used to generate the high quality barcode labels that play such a critical role in the reduction of medical errors. M-class is Meditech and Cerner Certified for use in hospitals. Most widely used applications in hospitals include specimen tracking and records labeling.
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Pharmacies use M-Class printers to print prescription labels. The labels containing critical information for the patient are adhered to the outside of the pill bottle or box of medication. Printing this information rather than hand writing avoids errors and misinterpretation which can lead to serious consequences. Most widely used applications include compliance labels, track & trace, and pick lists.
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Термотрансферни ленти за етикетни принтери DATAMAX Fargo / Prodigy / Alegro / DMX / I-Class / M-Class / H-Class / A-Class / W-Class / TitanТермотрансферни ленти за етикетни принтери DATAMAX Fargo / Prodigy / Alegro / DMX 400 / 430 / 600 / 630 / 800 / I-Class / I-4206 / I-4208 / I-4308 / I-4608 / I-4608 / I-4212 / I-4406 / M-Class / M-4206 / M-4210 / M-4308 / H-Class / H-4212 / H-4408 / H-6210 / H-4310 / H-4606 / H-6308 / A-Class / W-Class / Titan
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Спедиция, Дистрибуция, Транспорт и ЛогистикаЗа транспортни и логистични центрове.
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Спедиция, Дистрибуция, Транспорт и ЛогистикаЗа транспортни и логистични центрове.
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Honeywell M-Class 4206 - 203dpi thermal transfer printerСпрян от продажба на 31.12.2021! Печатайте Вашите етикети с нашите принтери - в офиса, склада, магазина, в хотела, в ресторанта, на обекта, в цеха! Разделителна способност: 203dpi
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